How to Install Genymotion and Installing google play store in Genymotion

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What is Genymotion ?
Genymotion is a fast third-party emulator that can be used instead of the default Android emulator. In some cases it's as good as or better than developing on actual devices!

Why Genymotion only ?
Genymotion is 100 times better then Android SDK.
  • Lightweight
  • It will not take much time to start the emulator.
  • No setup or command require to install .apk file 
Trust me this will make your life heaven if you are want to play around with mobile application security testing or any other designing or front end development task  XD

Genymotion is definitely faster than virtual devices from the AVD Manager.
This is because Genymotion uses the x86 architecture to run, which is great for performance.

PS : If you are not Windows user OR you face any problem while above installation then I recommend you to read Genymotion-2.6.0-User-Guide

How to Install Genymotion:-

Considering the Environment as below

1] Windows Machine - Windows 8
2] Download the setup (one time registration will require)

3] Select the option as per your requirement.
Few notes to remember if you will select either of this option:-

  • with VirtualBox :- Download this set up if you not having Oracle VM in your windows machine 
  • without VirtualBox:- Download this set up if you alredy having Oracle VM in your windows machine 

As Genymotion requires Oracle VM.

4] After downloading run the setup file. (Just click next)

5] After the installation click on Add button and select any virtual device which you wants to install. This will be installed in your Oracle VM. Which looks like as below.  Now you got how this working and why Oracle VM required.

This are all very simple steps hence I am not going in details.

6] Now next step will be

Click on Settings=>  Click on ADB => Select Custom Android SDK tools => Click on Browse and give this path C:/Program Files/Genymobile/Genymotion

7] Now Start your virtual Device.

================================================================================================================ How to install Google playstore in Genymotion :- 

If you want "Google Play Store" in your Genymotion then download below files as per your configuration and install in your Genymotion device

1 - ARM Translator (

2-  Gapps - Install this as per your android version -
     Please note :- If in my emulator my android version is 5.0 then I will install Gapps for android
     5.0.X If you will install gapps for another version of OS it will not gonna work.

I hope this will help you to customize your task in mobile world.